More than an Apprentice

I never anticipated having apprentices. It wasn’t because I didn’t think it was an incredible opportunity—it was from a lack of confidence and fear that I would have nothing to offer. However, each birth that I attended and each book that I read only made me more aware that this was right where I should be--that my offering to future doulas is giving them the time and the space to gain confidence in this work. Something in me comes alive and ignites through educating and empowering pregnant women. And that same passion comes to life in educating and training other doulas.

My apprentices are not here because I think I am more valuable. In fact, they are the ones that add more value to me. They help me to see how much I have grown in my skills, they challenge me in wonderful ways, and they reinforce my love of this work and of women. I can only hope that the value they get in being able to solely focus on their skills gives them the confidence to step into whatever is the next right thing for them after certification.

My goal through Behold’s doula apprenticeship is to give tools, community, and access to resources and education that in turn will allow them to serve and love the women in this community in the best way possible. My apprenticeship with a more experienced doula in town gave me the confidence and the ability to grow in my skills as a doula without having the pressure of running a business, finding clients, and going through the process on my own. It gave me accountability, training, and an inside look into what it would be like to own my own business as a doula. 

I have so much love for our apprentices at Behold. Hannah and Tracy are such passionate and truly beautiful women. Hiring an apprentice to serve as your labor support is one of the best decisions you can make. We wanted you to get to know our newest apprentice, Tracy a little more so here is some of her story!

Three amazing young adults. Three very different beginnings.  A journey of discovery, anguish, joy, and growth.  My name is Tracy and I would like to share my story with you.

     It all began when my sweet daughter determined to display her strong-willed nature by refusing to turn over (head down) in my womb!  Breech babies were only delivered via Caesarean at that time and area thus readily eliminating my hopes for a natural birth.  The surgery went smoothly and suddenly my husband and I were parents to a beautiful baby girl!

     A few years later and with a lot of self education, I determined to have my second child at home. No hospital in my area would support an unmedicated birth after a Caesarean so this seemed to be the only way to achieve my still longed for, natural birth.  There was a very slight concern during labor so to the hospital we went! Some intravenous pain medication was administered and my wonderful son arrived. I had at least achieved my VBAC!

     I was determined to have my third child at home without any medication nor medical intervention.  I labored in water while surrounded by my family, close friends, and my midwife.  Our second son greeted the world in his parents’ bedroom with his brother at my side and his sister eagerly holding his receiving blanket.

     I am grateful for all three birth experiences in so many ways.  I am grateful for my children first and foremost. I am also grateful for the understanding I’ve gained concerning what women go through and feel in these circumstances. This has better equipped me to do what I’ve discovered I love doing most: helping women during one of the most significant times in their lives as a doula!

Tracy, I am so grateful to have you sharing your passion and strengths with Behold. You can check out more of her services here. We would love the opportunity to serve you!